Child Airway Management Trainer Simulated head of an 8 year old child featuring realistic size and anatomy. Realistic anatomy includes mouth, tongue, oral pharynx, larynx, epiglottis, vocal cords, trachea and esophagus. Separate lungs for auscultation. Inflatable stomach bladder indicates esophageal insufflation. Comes with pump spray lubricant. Shipping weight is 20 lbs. 急救插管头部模型 编号:LFO3699(X)U 产品特点: 该模型模拟八岁儿童的头部而设计 解剖结构逼真、包括口、舌、鼻、咽、喉、会厌、声带、气道、食管、肺及胃 可进行经口、经鼻、的气管插管 可模拟练习清除呼吸道的异物或分泌物
友情提示: 您只要致电:021-64182526 我们可以帮您推荐符合您要求的进口儿童气管插管训练模型-美国纳斯LF03609XU相关产品!