产品介绍: 精细的解剖结构:咽、会厌、气管、食道及气管切开区、环状软骨、左右支气管树 气管切开护理练习 抽吸练习 嘴和下颌弹性好,可行经口吸引术练习 模拟练习气管套管的清洁和护理技术 模型分为成人、儿童两款,成人模型包括口鼻通路 The Life/form® Patient Education Tracheostomy Care Set is ideal for teaching patients and caregivers the skills they will need to perform at home. The Adult Manikin includes oral and nasal passages, the pharynx, epiglottis, trachea, esophagus, tracheostomy site, and cricoid cartilage. The mouth and jaw are flexible to allow oral suctioning. The trachea branches into the left and right bronchial trees. Students can practice suctioning techniques, proper cuff inflation, dressing changes, and other techniques. Cleansing and maintenance of the external tracheal site can be performed just as on an actual patient. The Infant Manikin can be used to teach parents and caregivers basic tracheostomy care skills, and is used extensively with children to comfort them and improve their self-esteem. The Life/form® Tracheostomy Care simulator set comes complete with one adult and one infant manikin, one adult and one infant tracheostomy tube, instruction guide, and hard carrying case. One-year warranty.
友情提示: 您只要致电:021-64182526 我们可以帮您推荐符合您要求的进口气管切开护理模型-美国纳斯LF01159U相关产品!