Adult Airway Management Trainer For Airway Management procedures. Anatomical landmarks include the sternum, rib cage, and substernal notch. The trainer also contains teeth, uvula, vocal cords, glottis, epiglottis, larynx, arytenoid cartilage, trachea, esophagus, and inflatable lungs and stomach. Allows nasogastric tube placement. Accepts Combitube, E.O.A., E.G.T.A., and P.T.L. airways. Bag-valve mask ventilation. Comes with soft carrying bag. 适用于心肺复苏和气管插管训练 解剖标志包括:胸骨柄、肋骨、剑突 模型还包括:牙齿、悬雍垂、声带、声门、会厌、喉、杓状软骨、气管、食道、可充气的胃和肺 声带用高度明亮的颜色标出、极易分辨 婴儿和3岁儿童可用2.5mm和4.0mm气管插管 安装在练习板上。每个模型都带有一个坚固的尼龙提袋和润滑剂
友情提示: 您只要致电:021-64182526 我们可以帮您推荐符合您要求的进口成人气管插管训练模型-美国纳斯SB28868U相关产品!